Showing posts with label slogans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label slogans. Show all posts

Friday, December 16, 2011

Help! I can't find my strong

I need to find my strong1 and just do it,2 because impossible is nothing3. After all, a sound mind is a sound body4. I just want to run happy5 and keep running6.

These inspiring phrases from running shoe companies simply aren't working for me this week. I have only run 2.6 miles since last weekend, less than a quarter of my usual distance leading up to the weekend.

My lack of mileage wasn't planned. Monday I took my usual rest day and Tuesday I did a treadmill run. Wednesday I felt like I was getting sick so skipped the day to help prevent that. Yesterday I'd planned to run in Central Park with AG, but the timing was a little tight so we took a pass. This morning I decided not to run because it's the day before a race.

Okay, it's only a 5K and 2.5 miles of running or 25 minutes on the elliptical today wouldn't have hurt me tomorrow. I just couldn't find my strong. I'm hoping that my commitment to tomorrow's race will serve as a finial to stop my downward slide. I don't care about my time on Saturday morning, only that I'll be back to running.

6New Balance

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