Showing posts with label gauge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gauge. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Passing the test

Today's run (street): 2.5 miles

Today's run was an acid test for me. I wanted to gauge my fitness for next Sunday's race to see how I felt coming off a difficult seven miler with one day's rest. I probably dressed too warmly for the weather but the distance was short so I avoided overheating.

I started at an easy pace, though not as slow as Sunday's, and increased my speed as I went on. By mile one I was running at my 10K goal pace and my last half mile was 30 seconds faster than goal pace. I didn't feel especially strong and my stride was not fluid, but I felt on track to compete. I'll sign up today for the race and train the next two days. I'll follow that with two day's rest prior to Sunday's race.

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