Showing posts with label dermoplast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dermoplast. Show all posts

Thursday, October 27, 2011

On the one day injured list

Yesterday, I suffered a minor setback with my injuries that were caused by last Friday's stumble. Most of my cuts, scrapes and gashes had been healing nicely, and my finger (hairline) fracture has responded well. But yesterday afternoon, the area adjacent to my knee (where I gashed about 10 square inches of skin), was hurting. I doused the area with alcohol (yowch!) and applied new bandages in my office. That helped, as did a coating of Dermoplast, my antiseptic of choice. Still, I felt like I should rest my leg today, so I skipped my run. I'm happy that I did.

Tomorrow's weather should be much better than today's gloomy mess. I'm planning to meet my friend CK in Central Park for an afternoon run. It's hard enough keeping up with him when I'm at my best so I'm not sure how well I'll do under these circumstances. But since I've only covered nine miles over the past week, I'm up to the challenge.

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