Showing posts with label Hansons Brooks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hansons Brooks. Show all posts

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Half marathon: get with the program already

Today's workout (elliptical): 25 minutes

I've been reading an article in the January issue of Runner's World that focuses on the Hansons-Brooks Distance Project. This project is actually an Olympic training program created by two brothers who have partnered with Brooks running to help train runners of all types. Or as they say "Elites to mid-packers." Being a solid mid-pack finisher in most of my races I was naturally intrigued. I'm not particularly interested in most training programs and methods because they are so structured. One reason that I like running is the freedom that it provides. I like that I can make "in the moment" decisions about how I'm going to approach a run: fast, slow, long, short, with hills, trails, etc.

The reason I might consider following a structured program relates to my goal of running a half marathon this year. I've managed to self-train adequately for races up to 10K but I think I may need some further guidance when taking on over double that distance. My friend FS followed Hal Higdon's marathon training program and was pleased with the results. Higdon also has a half marathon program so I will consider that as well. What struck me about the Hansons-Brooks method was the focus on quality miles rather than pure volume. They are also strong advocates of training in groups. Since I am so constrained in terms of time for training I need to find a way to be ready on race day after having, at best, 25 mile weeks. I'm still not sure that I have the desire (and discipline) to follow a formal program. Perhaps a hybrid approach will work. Of course I still need to find a half marathon to run before I start any structured training.

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