Showing posts with label Groundhog Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Groundhog Day. Show all posts

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Punxsutawney Phil and me, we're not so different

You're so predictable
Today's workout (elliptical): 25 minutes

Happy Groundhog Day. With the mild winter we're having, I don't really care if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow today. Thinking about Groundhog Day this morning, I realized that my daily workout routine is much like the theme of the Bill Murray movie. Each action I take, from taking my vitamins, selecting a cup, pouring coffee and grabbing an energy bar, plays out exactly the same as the day before. And at the same time of the day too. If I'm pouring coffee at 3:50, something's wrong. It should only be 3:49 by that point.

I could look at this routine, that continues as I head back upstairs to prepare for my run, as quotidian or banal. Instead, I find it comforting to move along from step to step, without having to think at that early hour. Somehow, I find myself standing in front of my house a few minutes before 4:00 AM, Garmin switched on, ready to run. If I thought about it much beforehand, I'd probably go back to bed.

Today, my routine was mostly the same, but since I chose the elliptical it was also a little bit different. I appreciated that difference because, while routine can drive consistency, a little change is also welcomed.

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