Showing posts with label Citi Bike. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Citi Bike. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Using guilt, once again, to jumpstart a run

Today's run (treadmill): 25 minutes

I didn't expect to run this morning when I got up. For no reason I could identify, I was too tired to do my planned workout. I drank my coffee, watched the news and hoped my energy level would rise enough to get me on the treadmill. Time was growing short, because I needed to head to the city for a meeting. I decided to start my run and hope for the best.

The reason I was determined to run was simple -- I didn't want to feel guilty for skipping my workout. It's been said that the hardest thing about running is starting. I'm not talking about those runs that happen on a perfect spring morning. It's days like this, when the "rest" option is so tempting. But guilt can be a powerful motivator and today it won out.

Rain dampens demand
While I was in the city, the weather quickly changed from sunny and bright to damp and dismal. I saw a number of Citi Bikes racked in various places, as I made my way through NYC (I took this pic near Grand Central). With the pouring rain, there were many bikes to be had. The idea of a Citi Bike is good. I try to avoid taking the subway unless I need to be someplace far sooner than I could possibly travel by foot, and I would consider a Citi Bike as an alternative. But I'm a long way from trusting that NYC drivers will safely share the road.

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