Sunday, September 1, 2019

Shifting back to miles per run

Happy September, my shirt even had a post-run smiley face
Labor Day greetings. I'm glad to report that I logged 80 running miles in August. It was actually 80.46 but who's counting? And don't get me started with Garmin GPS variance that generally under-counts run distance by 2.4%. So I ran 80.46 but I may have run 83.4. My August goal was 75 miles so any way you slice it, I'm happy. SIOR, who is not delusional even though she considers her upcoming trek to Everest base camp an easy hike, thinks I should go for 100 miles in September. I think I'm going to repeat the 75 mile goal for September and see what happens.

Now that I'm averaging 18+ miles a week, I'm ready to shift focus to running distances. My 80 miles in August and 71 in July were built around a lot of runs. With very few exceptions, I've run six days a week since mid June. I ran 27 days last month to get to 80 miles and I'm wondering if it would be more beneficial to aim for 75 miles a month, running 5 days a week. That would give me the flexibility to add another rest day to recover from long runs that aren't happening right now.

Back when I was commuting by train, I would usually run 2.5 miles at 4 AM from Tuesday through Friday and do 8-10 miles over the weekend. When I switched to commuting by car, my run schedule got disrupted and my weekly mileage and run frequency plummeted. Now that I'm commute-free, I have more options.

One thought is to do three days running with one day resting. It works out to six runs a week, but I'd never be more than three days from a rest day. My current schedule has me running five days straight for every rest day.  I could also go back to short runs (less than 3 miles) 66% of the time and longer runs (4 or more miles) 33% of the time. I could do that running either 5 or 6 times a week.

Since September has already begun and I've already logged 3.4 miles today, I think I'll aim for at least one run a week over 3.5 miles and edge up that target as I go. It's been a long time since I'd consider it no big deal to run six or seven miles on a weekend day. Right now, I just want to get back to doing four.or more.


  1. Your shirt looks like the Shroud of Plainview.

  2. Your decision making strategy is borderline insane. To quoth Mr. Nike , “Just fooken do it.”

    1. It's called analysis and sound reasoning. No wonder I don't like Nikes.

  3. Are you inferring that I'm the Jesus? I assure you, I'm just a man. A man who runs. A man who can statistical math. A man who doesn't live in Plainview.

  4. I was just thinking about that today..the fact that you may not live in Plainview and the store that is not just a wine store..

    1. This is not theoretical. I DON'T live in Plainview and that store is NOT just a wine store. There is a wine store and there is a supermarket. They are separate. Let me know if we need to go over this again.

  5. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Have you considered 2 runs a day to increase mileage.

    1. I have, and I would consider that if total volume was my primary goal. I think I need to get back to doing higher mileage in single runs.


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