Friday, October 23, 2015

After the treadmill, any outside run is good

Short and sweet
Today's run (street): 3.2 miles
Yesterday's run (treadmill): 30 minutes

I took a vacation day on Wednesday to take care of some stuff. I had a 7:30 AM appointment so I didn't get a chance to do a workout in the morning. I did get on the treadmill in the late afternoon and had a very rough 30 minute run. I'm not an afternoon runner and the treadmill didn't make the situation any better. Although the minutes felt maddeningly slow, somehow I managed through it.

It was great to break up the work week with a day off but Thursday was tough and I was thrilled to work from home today. After that difficult workout on Wednesday, I was concerned that today's neighborhood run wouldn't go very well. It was a chilly 43° outside and I wore shorts and a long sleeve running shirt. It took almost five minutes to acquire a GPS signal. I began to rethink my gear as I stood and waited.

As soon the Garmin showed ready, I took off. I didn't notice a woman who was running by my house and I almost ran into her. Had she been running on the left (correct) side of the road, that would not have happened. I could tell I was in for a good run and pushed harder than usual as I ran up the first long road. I ended up crossing paths with that same woman about a mile later and this time I saw her coming.

I had a tight morning schedule and capped my run at a little more than three miles. That was enough. I ended up doing slightly better than average, probably due more to the cool weather than anything else. The Emerging Runner family will be doing a video call with Adventure Girl on Sunday and I may hit the trails tomorrow in honor of that. While she's tagging peaks in Montana this weekend, I'll settle for some of Stillwell's much smaller hills.


  1. I totally agree with your headline...any outside run is good. The 'mill is my nemesis LOL

    1. I agree 100%. As useful and enabling as treadmill can be, I'd rather run in 20° weather than in a climate controlled room on any treadmill.

  2. The last time I ran with HISI, he was focused on the ground (?) and almost ran over a poor woman in the park. He then blamed me for not warning him. I didn't warn him because I really didn't think he was that dumb. I was wrong. Moral: Watch where you're going, buster.

    1. Oh, so this was MY fault? The woman was lucky I wasn't a pickup truck. I'm still trying to figure out the last two letters in your hubby's acronym. I'm sure it's a kind designation of some type.

    2. I'm sure you meant "So Interesting."


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