Sunday, August 2, 2015

Learning to love the run (again)

Friend of the devil
Today's run (street): 3.2 miles
Saturday's workout (elliptical): 30 minutes

We spent most of this weekend in the city and that somewhat altered my running schedule. We had to get downtown fairly early for a college tour, so I did a quick elliptical session before we headed out. I figured that the amount of walking we'd do would compensate for a longer run I would have done this weekend. I'm not sure that's true, but we certainly covered a lot of ground up and down the streets of Manhattan. This morning we visited Madam Tussaud's. Touristy but fun. I even got to hang with my buddy Jerry Garcia.

SIOR and family were also in town last night taking in different sights. It would have been fun to run into them. She did eight miles yesterday and 15 today. When I expressed my view about running that many miles (ugh) I was sharply rebuked. I decided to try to see her point and view summer running as a positive. When we got back home I decided to cap today's city walking with three miles of afternoon running.

I had in my head that it would be an easy workout. It didn't feel too hot when I started and I immediately began thinking about the experience. Was I enjoying this run or was I doing what was necessary to maintain my fitness? I realized then that I am coming up on seven years as a runner and wondered if my current view of running (necessary but not particularly fun) coincides with that span of time.

Is there such a thing as the seven year running itch? The point where you're pretty much the runner you're going to be? There aren't a lot new experiences and surprises when you've run the same basic route 1,000 times. SIOR has been running a lot longer than me and she still looks forward to fifteen mile training runs. How do I get there?

I ran my route and, like always, thought about my arm position, stride and cadence. I still care about how I run and that was an important realization for me today. The heat and fatigue from a busy weekend eventually got to me and, although the run was short, it couldn't have ended sooner. Perhaps I need to rethink my running goals and even sign up for another half marathon. It's not about the race. It's about the training that I need to do to look at 10+ mile runs as fun again.


  1. Although my run was in the hot midday, it was an adventure. I do my long runs on irregular routes. Today I ventuted through kings Point. New routes make it interesting. My legs were definitely tired, but at The end, my feelings of accomplishment and the runner's high always trump the slog. Try new territory.

    1. Adventure is sorely lacking in my running nowadays, although I do get out of the neighborhood more than I did even a year ago. I agree that the adventure and new sights make up for the effort required to cover those extra miles. I may head over to Belmont Lake and run the Dirty Sock course next weekend. Not exactly unfamiliar ground, but definitely an opportunity for a new perspective.

  2. Don't forget all of "us good looking runners" you've met over the years. Keep in touch. Maybe I can join you again, at Belmont Lake.

    1. Join us on Saturday morning! It would be great to see you. If you're able to let me know and I'll send details via email.

  3. Ooops. Spoke too soon. I've got a 10:15 vet appointment. Maybe we could do a scenic Cow Harbor 10K some day, with my GoPro.
    I hope to run this years Dirty Sock race.

    See you.

    1. Oh too bad. Just in case anything changes, we're meeting around 7:00 on the Park Ave end..


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