Friday, July 18, 2014

Hiatus from racing

Today's run (street): 4.6 miles

The Dirty Sock Run happens in 30 days and I'm thinking of skipping it. In fact, I'm also considering skipping the Cow Harbor 10K in September. I've always enjoyed these two races, so this would represent a big gap in my racing schedule. Although I continue to look forward to my runs, I've become disinterested in racing.

I'm only running half the days that I did prior to my return to commuting and this disrupts my running schedule. It also undercuts my excitement about competing. My performance has definitely taken a nosedive and that's probably contributing to my lack of racing spirit.

I got out this morning for the first time since Sunday and had a nice run. We've had a respite from the rainy, humid weather and it felt good to be outside. I'm not sure what I'll do tomorrow because I have an early dentist appointment. I'm planning to go for a run after that. I hope it doesn't get too hot.

I'm going to try to return to workday running at 4:00 AM, starting with a 25 minute treadmill run one morning a week. If that works out, I can expand the days and maybe even go back to early neighborhood runs.


  1. I hope you reconsider Cow Harbor. I think it would be a fun race for the three of us.

  2. I'll probably do Cow Harbor. I think I need a month to regain my excitement of racing. So you're both in for it???

  3. I'm in the dirty sock, just to run it, not to race it. I'm also in for the Cow Harbor, same thing. If my endurance picks up before then, I'll consider it a race - otherwise, I'm just running it. Gotta keep up the tradition!


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