Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Why bad runs don't really matter

The long unwinding road
Both Saturday's relay and Sunday's half marathon "Week 1" training runs were disappointing for me. The good news is that it really doesn't matter. Running is one of those things in life that can lift your spirits or temporarily disappoint you. But as long as you aren't suffering a running injury as a result, there's really no excuse for feeling badly about one or two bad experiences.

That's why I'm looking forward to getting out tomorrow. I rested yesterday and took an additional recovery day today. It's still winter-y cold outside, but at least it's sunny and the snow is gone. The Hal Higdon Intermediate Half plan says that I should run 3 miles, plus strength training, on Wednesday. However, the Emerging Runner Training Plan says that I should run 80% of the prior weekend's longest run on Wednesdays. So that's what I'm doing. I do appreciate Hal's attempt to add more diversity to the training schedule, so I may add in a small amount weight or core training.

I gave myself a break on speed training today, but I will resume that next Tuesday. Without weekday access to the track, I can either do treadmill intervals inside, or run 400's along a road that's adjacent to my street. That long road has a slight grade when running south to north, but SIOR says that shouldn't matter. I'll need to figure out how to manage recovery periods if I choose the street route because I'll need to start each repeat at either the beginning or end of the road.


  1. I would start at the bottom and have that nice downhill at the end.

    1. I figured that I'd run it north (which has the slight incline) and then walk 100m and back for a 200m recovery. Then I'll run south for the next 400 and do the same recovery.

      Since I'll be running in both directions, I'll alternate between uphill and downhill quarters.

  2. I too had a difficult run today, but made sure I had fun anyhow. Way to stick with it!

    1. Thanks Michelle. The same to you. Even difficult runs can make us happy, because we put ourselves out there and get it done. I hope your next run goes GREAT.


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