Saturday, February 22, 2014

Zapped and tired

Zapped again
Today's run (treadmill): 45 minutes

I woke up feeling tired with a scratchy throat this morning. Morning is when my energy level peaks, but even with two cups of coffee, I felt fatigued. It was "near-end-of-vacation-pancake-day" so I had to participate. I added a cup of decaf to my coffee intake and figured the extra carbs from the pancakes would help fuel my run. If that was the case, it was a short term benefit.

My treadmill workout did not go very well. I knew I'd have trouble maintaining Friday's pace, so I started at a speed that I thought I could sustain for 40 minutes. Although the temperature has risen throughout the week, the humidity has remained low. About three minutes into the run, my hand brushed the treadmill's HRM grip. This caused a spark that wiped out the display but I didn't notice it for another minute. I reset the treadmill without knowing how far I'd actually gone.

The next ten minutes went okay, but I soon felt tired. I usually wouldn't stop a run due to fatigue, but today I made an exception. I gave myself a minute to recover before restarting the machine and dialed down the speed a half a MPH. I was able to manage through for another 30 minutes, though I don't know if it was wise to continue.

I'm hoping my strength will return so I'll be on my game tomorrow. I keep expecting a cold to come, but so far it's mostly just fatigue and an irritated throat.


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