Friday, January 3, 2014

Nature's gym: early morning workout

4:30 AM workout (Mrs. Emerging Runner)
The ten or so inches of snow that were dropped on Long Island today provided an excuse to skip my run and forced the need for some upper body exercise. I'm not a big snow-blower fan and hiring people to plow the driveway is a hit-or-miss thing (Are they coming? What if they don't?). Over the years my wife and I have followed a strategy where we shovel the drive throughout a snowstorm so we never have to deal with big accumulations.

In the past we've gone out in the middle of the night to shovel, went back to sleep for a few hours and went out again early in the morning. Those were the days when I needed to get to the LIRR by 6:15 AM to catch the train into the city. I'm happy to say those days are gone. So instead of getting up at 1:00 AM, we went out this morning at 4:30 and dealt with about six inches of snow, freezing temperatures and blowing winds. My glasses alternated between fogging up due to trapping breath in my balaclava and going opaque from the snow freezing on the lenses. It was not as much fun as I'm describing it.

That was the worst of of it and we all went out again later to clean up the residual inches and dig our way past the wall left by the town plows. Through all of that, I got to use many neglected muscles above the waist, but I pushed far more than I lifted. I could have done a treadmill run today but I thought the shoveling workout would suffice as my workout of the day.

I don't think the roads will be in shape for outdoor running tomorrow so I'll definitely be on the treadmill on Saturday. Sunday's temperatures are supposed to reach 41° and that might be an opportunity to get back outside. My 2014 running streak has come to an end all too soon, but 33% of my workouts this year have been upper body! If I could continue that ratio throughout 2014, I'd be in great shape.


  1. I noticed the window screen in the photo above which suggests you took the picture from the warmth of your home while Mrs. ER was braving the blizzard. I don't think we got as much snow on the south shore, but I was the designated shoveler while Mr. He Is In Sleeping lived up to his name.

    1. Yes, Mrs. ER was working hard in the freezing cold, but I provided essential support to her by drinking coffee and documenting her effort. And you should have some sympathy for Mr. HIOR. I'll bet his sleep was disrupted by your noisy shoveling.

  2. 70 degrees here in the desert! LOL. I may be enjoying some amazing weather now, but come summer time I'll be the one jealous of your weather! Nonetheless, props to being able to deal with that kinda craziness... and hope that treadmill run goes good for you! Happy Running!


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