Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Describing running in 419,000 words

Today's run (treadmill): 3.2 miles

It's amazing to me that, with today's entry, I've posted on Emerging Runner 1,700 times. Based on my average word count, I've published the equivalent of Brave New World 6.5 times over. It's interesting how quickly these posts have added up. Still, I'll need to post 509 more times before I reach the word count of War and Peace.

The incredibly cold weather kept me inside today so once again I used the treadmill. The lack of humidity kept me comfortable and I found it fairly easy to distract myself by watching the news. I can't remember the last time I ran outside, but it may be close to a week ago. I worry that using the treadmill all the time might change the way I run. On the other hand, it does force me to shorten my stride. That's something I want to do on the road as I work to increase my cadence.


  1. Does running on the treadmill make you a better outdoor runner? I would think so.

    My word count is closer to Catcher In the Rye or The Prophet. I'm more of a minimalist.

  2. I know a lot of good runners train on the treadmill so I shouldn't be concerned, I do think about how it affects my stride.

    Minimalism in blogging is far better than maximalism.


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