Sunday, September 15, 2013

Tracking well through the taper

4 minutes of intensity
Today's run (track): 3.1 miles - 1 mile warm up, 10 x 100m, 1.6 mile recovery

Nothing like 52° weather to make speed work bearable. I went to the track early this morning to run intervals, but I didn't decide on my workout until I got there. I started with a mile warm up and followed that with 10 x 100 meter repeats. I finished with six more laps around the track, three at an easy pace and the last three somewhat faster.

Overall, it was a decent workout and I managed to run my 100 meter splits at 6:50 while maintaining a heart rate around 80% of max. I would have like to see better paces after the repeats, since my leg muscles were theoretically "activated." Residual fatigue was the likely culprit and my overall pace for the full distance run was 8:58.

Tomorrow will be a busy day in the city for me and I'll forgo my workout, since Mondays are my usual rest day. I'm thinking I'll do one more easy base run, one more short fast run and then rest. I had two good race-oriented workouts this weekend with acceptable results. I'm not sure I pushed as hard as I could either day but I didn't want to invite injury less than a week before the race.


  1. I had to chuckle when I first pulled up your post. If I saw something that resembled your workout graph on a heart monitor, I'd have been bolting to your bedside. That looks like a narrow complex ventricular tachycardia--a very serious, often deadly heart rhythm.

    Glad it was the tracing of a good workout instead!

    1. Thanks, I'll keep that in mind if my HR readout ever resembles my pace histogram!

  2. Congratulations. A good workout yields good results. I'll look for you on race day.

    1. Awesome. I was wondering if you were running CH this year. I was looking for you at Dirty Sock in August. See you on Saturday!

  3. Nice speed workout! As my Magic 8 Ball might say, "Outlook good"!

  4. Thanks, I far prefer that to "Reply hazy try again."

  5. I think this years race is going to be a lot of fun. I know I plan to have fun.

    The weather forecast appears promising and the crowds are always a treat.

    The most important 10K race strategy is to "smile into the photographers camera when approaching the finish line".

    Let's Go!

  6. Smiles and hydration will get us through. See you then.


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