Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Overnight surprise, courtesy of the Fitbit

Early to bed, early to rise. And rise and rise...
Today's run (treadmill): 3.2 miles

There was no question that I'd run inside today. It poured overnight and throughout the morning, so I headed upstairs to the treadmill after the kids left for school. Every time I use the stairs I think about the fact that the Fitbit is recording that metric. Yesterday I recorded over 14K steps, climbed 28 floors and traveled 7.4 miles. More interesting than that was what I learned about last night's sleep pattern.

The Fitbit has a wristband that holds the device while you sleep, allowing you to record your sleep and wake time. It also records the number of times you woke up during the night. According to the numbers, it took me 12 minutes to fall asleep and my total sleep time was 6 hours and 36 minutes. Now for the surprise: the data said I'd woken up 13 times between the time I put the device into record sleep mode and when I got up for the day. Strangely enough, the readout said I'd had 91% sleep efficiency. Really?

Perhaps we all wake up multiple times during the night and don't realize it. I do recall waking up a few times and looking at the clock before quickly falling back to sleep. The histogram shows that wake patterns seem to be grouped together, so that three or four "wake-ups" could happen in as many minutes. Either way, I didn't come close to sleeping through the night.

Despite the intermittent waking periods, I seem to be getting sufficient rest. Perhaps that speaks to the efficiency rating. Compared to my "pre-retirement" schedule back in January, I'm probably getting at least one hour's more sleep every night. In the days of 3:30 mornings, I used to have to steal naps on the train. With the 7+ hours of bed rest I've been getting overnight, I feel I have good energy throughout the day.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. It would have been interesting to compare your sleep patterns while you were still working. Do you tend to go to sleep around the same time every night?

    1. My bedtime hasn't changed much. But I am sleeping later - until 5:00 or 5:30 now. I'm pretty sure I used to wake up a few times a night on work nights. I'll be curious to see if the frequency changes as I continue to monitor my sleep patterns.

  3. I may have to get that Fit Bit. My husband won't let me sleep with my iPhone at my head anymore to record my sleep pattern...he says it will give me brain cancer. Pfffffft.

  4. I have to admit that I feel uncomfortable having an EMF-emitting device close to my head for any length of time. But besides that, the Fitbit just seems more practical than a smartphone due to its weight and size. So far, I think it's a fantastic resource.

  5. The Fitbit emits EMFs just like a cell phone. That's how it transmits data .

    1. True, both emit EMF. The risk differences between a cell and a Fitbit relate to the amount/frequency of emission and location of the unit. The Fitbit uses far less power than a cell phone that needs to drive a TFT and reach a cell tower. Plus, the location of the Fitbit, when tracking sleep, is nowhere close to you head.


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