Sunday, August 12, 2012

Twisting and turning on the Bethpage trails

So that's where I ran - thanks Garmin!
Today's run (Bethpage trails): 3.25 miles

I'd hoped to cover more than three miles on the wooded trails at Bethpage this morning, but that distance turned out to be more than enough. I really like Bethpage's trails because they are well groomed and diverse. The terrain varies between mulch, dirt, loose rocks and sand. I don't care much for the sandy parts, but they are just part of the challenge.

In terms of technical terrain, Stillwell has it beat, but Bethpage provides some fun twisty trails that seem to go in circles but really just wind around (see top of picture). I usually get disoriented when running in the woods and today was no exception. I'm always surprised where I come out. Today it was at the top of the big hill along the paved bike trail.

The humidity was high and I felt like the week's activities were catching up to me as I neared the finish of my run. I circled the parking lot before calling it a workout and headed back home to start our day, which is also my last day of vacation. It's been a great week and it's always disappointing when a vacation ends. Even though this turned out to be  a low mileage week for running, it was a high mileage week for everything else.


  1. This humidity is so tough to do any exercise, I am impressed by you getting 3.25 in. Sounds like you had a great vacation in DC, we were on vacay this week too at the beach. Back to work!
    Did you catch any of the Olympic track events? Some were incredibly exciting and captivating.

  2. I heard you guys were on the Cape. Hope it was great. But yes, back to work tomorrow...

    I did catch some of the track and field events - watched both marathons. Too bad for Meb finishing one position off the podium.


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