Monday, August 20, 2012

Committed to Cow Harbor 2012

What made skipping Dirty Sock so easy for me this year was that I put off registering until it was one week before the race. Since I had no financial obligation, I made my decision to stand down without needing to consider that I'd already spent the money. That worked great for this past weekend, and I'm still happy with my decision. Still, I didn't want the same thing to happen next month so I signed up for Cow Harbor this morning.

With so many people running this race, the Cow Harbor organizers ask registrants to list their expected finish time. This is so runners can be placed into appropriate pace groups, called waves, at the start. It makes perfect sense and I always wonder if I'm under or overestimating my performance when I do that. Last year I finished in around 57 minutes and I'm hoping to do as well this year. I've run 10Ks faster than that, but not ones that have a hill as challenging as James Street.

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