Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ho Ho Ho Holiday running sounds good

Today's run (treadmill): 25 minutes

Another treadmill run this morning. Unlike my usual method where I start easy and then pick up speed, today I began with a fairly fast pace and kept it up until the end. My energy level was high throughout the workout, a good sign that my conditioning strategy is working.

I've decided to sign up for the Ho Ho Ho Holiday Run that happens on Saturday, December 17, in Bethpage, NY. I really like holiday themed races because they reinforce the idea that racing, while competitive, is also fun. I have never done this race before (nor have I ever raced in December) so this will be a new experience. The date is a Saturday, which means I'll have still have most of the weekend to celebrate my (predicted) mid-pack finish.


  1. I think I can do this with you. For fun & a good cause.
    I'll call you.


  2. Awesome. Are you gonna run in costume : )


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