Friday, September 9, 2011

Thinking about 9/11

Today's workout (elliptical): 27 minutes

It's Friday, and although Labor Day made this a short week, it still seemed long. Goodbye Summer Fridays, it was fun while it lasted. I used today's workout to cross train on the elliptical and it was tougher than I'd expected. The rain has stopped so I could have done my first outdoor run since last weekend, but the weight of the week kept me inside. I usually consider the elliptical to be a less-challenging workout, but no such luck today.

The mood is somber in NYC as we approach the 10th anniversary of 9/11. It would have been nice to do a city run at lunch as a remembrance of everything I'd experienced on that day. I certainly covered a lot of ground in the city that afternoon and it all remains vivid and scary. I'll think about it again during my runs this weekend. I'm planning to do a last long run tomorrow or Sunday, in preparation for the Great Cow Harbor 10K on the 17th.


  1. Have you ever written a post about your experiences that day? As a resident of MN at that time, most of my experiences that day were lived through a TV screen - if you're up for it, I would certainly love to hear your story.

  2. Hi Adam, I've never really described the day but you've inspired me to do it. Great suggestion. I may do this as a spin-off from The Emerging Runner using the "pages" feature. I'll put a link to in my regular post when I do. Thanks!


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