Happy Labor Day. I'm ambivalent about this holiday because it represents the end of summer vacation for my kids and the end of my vacation week. On the plus side, we are edging closer to fall (my favorite season) when temperatures and humidity both drop. Running in cool fall weather, with the leaves underfoot and the ubiquitous scent of maple from the trees, is about as good as it gets.
I won't be running today. I considered it earlier in the day, before I experienced a sudden tsunami of pain in my lower back while placing some glasses in the dishwasher. This pain came on alarmingly fast and it felt serious. I have not suffered lower back pain in decades and that problem was solved when I replaced my sleep sofa with a real bed.
These really work |
My first reaction was to lie on my back while my daughter quickly brought over two ice packs and a towel to place under my lower spine. After ten minutes I was able to perform a couple of hamstring stretches that loosened me up enough to stand. I walked to the kitchen and took two Aleve. After an hour the pain had dissipated enough to assure me that this was not going to be a major problem.
Suspect #4 |
I don't know if was the 25% more running miles that I covered this week, backyard soccer played two days earlier or yesterday's obstacle course, but my back had clearly had enough. I've also been using a
Brookstone Fitness Stick that is probably putting strain on little used muscles in my lower back.
So no workout today, although I may do some core stretching later if my recovery continues. I think I'll celebrate the rest of Labor Day by avoiding any further labor!
i admit i laughed when i saw the title of your post, but then felt bad after reading it. i often feel pretty sore the day after working out a knot with the foam roller. usually it improves in a few days. hope you feel better soon.
ReplyDeleteThanks Carla - I had to go with the pun...So far my back pain has subsided but I plan to rest again tomorrow. The foam roller is a good idea. I've heard that it's very beneficial. That and the "Stick" -- two items I should probably own (and use).