Thursday, December 9, 2010

23 degrees in the shade

Suddenly it's freezing and at 4:00 AM it's really really freezing. I anticipated those conditions last night and selected the following for this morning's run:

- Wool running socks
- Compression sleeves (ankle to knee)
- Light weight compression shorts
- Mid-weight compression pants
- Long sleeve running shirt
- Short sleeve running shirt
- Winter weight half zip
- Heavy polypropylene running hat
- Running mittens

It may seem like overkill but when I switched on the local news they were reporting temperatures in the low 20's, not counting wind chill. I briefly considered the treadmill but decided that I'd rather have a freezing run than a tedious workout. I set out at an easier pace than yesterday but my many layers allowed me to warm up relatively quickly. Like yesterday, I was pleased with my form and mechanics and I increased my pace as I moved through the run. Between a slower start and a faster finish I averaged 9:16. Much better than the 9:30-9:45 malaise I'd been experiencing over the last few weeks, but after yesterday's 8:44 run I suffered for the difference. I'm still happy with the way I ran and my recent 10K's have convinced me that I can run at slower paces on training runs and still perform well on race day. I have no races on the calendar for the remainder of the year so, for now, I'm going to focus on running for fun, regardless of performance..


  1. You are amazing, and I love "23 degrees in the shade." Nice to have a little funny with my first cup of coffee. Lately I have become a spinning addict, so that's pretty much the thermal opposite. I get more sweaty doing that than any run I ever went on--wow! But, I seldom ran in a small, dark room with 8 other people. Very impressed--go, man, go! =)

  2. Thanks, I'll do anything to avoid running indoors. If I'm facing weather in the teens or 20's it's a matter of dressing for temperature while understanding that your body increasingly generates heat as it goes.

    I'm not sure I would do well with high intensity spin classes in the heat though. I think I'd rather be too cold than too hot.


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