Monday, December 14, 2009

Ho Ho Ho - Nothing says Christmas like a Speedo

On the news this morning was a clip of the Santa Speedo Run that takes place in Boston each year. The video showed numerous people running down Boylston Street wearing nothing but running shoes, red Speedo style bottoms (tops where appropriate) and Santa hats. Yesterday was cold on Long Island and it's usually colder still in Boston. The course runs 1.25 miles which doesn't seem long enough to build up any heat but most participants were smiling. The rules for entry are surprisingly strict, runners must have attained at least $250 in sponsorship commitments and the field is limited to 500. Also, no thongs! This was reinforced on the website in bold red lettering.

This charity race has made me think about what more I can do for others and as I develop my goals for next year. I'd like to do at least one race where I raise money for a deserving cause. I'm proud of my children because they have donated from their savings every holiday season since they were very young. My wife and I match their funds along with our own giving. This year perhaps we can supplement our gifts with a running related charitable donation. I will try to find one with a formalized pledge system but, short of that, I'll just plan to donate $5 for every mile I run in a race in 2010. I think running is a gift we give ourselves so sharing some of that pleasure will be a great thing to do.


  1. Just stumbled across your blog... I love your idea of donating money for every mile raced! I think I might have to steal it.

  2. I wouldn't call that stealing! Great if you do, why not, right?

  3. I had to laugh when I saw that pic, a friend/former colleague's fiance is the one who started the santa speedo run many years back. It gets more and more press every year and raises a lot of money.

  4. What do you say, next year, you and me on Boylston St. in Speedos?

  5. Ditto the thought.

    Annually, we support the North Shore Animal League where I got my running partner, Bailey, a 2 yr. old Lab mix.

    Please keep us posted. I like the $ / mile concept.

  6. NSAL is a great organization. We know a few people who have got their dogs there as well. I'm thinking of starting a scoreboard featuring progress from runners who have pledged $$$ per race mile.

  7. I'm up for it if you are :-) although me in a speedo could make people sick, I better get in shape!!


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