My head cold continues and yesterday afternoon I paid a visit to my company's medical department. The doctor, who I've known for years, said "Sorry, but I don't have a cure for the common cold." I told him it wasn't the cold that was bothering me, I actually wanted his take on my running injury. He had me lie on the table and tried to isolate the problem but it was inconclusive. He didn't understand why the pain was intermittent and why the discomfort went away after I walked or ran on it. He then suggested that I see an orthopedist and though he warned me not to overdo it he didn't tell me to stop running.
This morning I was determined to run and, despite some sneezing and coughing I got on the treadmill for what I'd accepted to be a low impact run. Once I got moving my leg started feeling better so I turned up the speed. I ended up running 1.75 miles at a 9:05 pace although the last two thirds were probably faster since I'd run the first six minutes at about 9:50/mile. Since the run I feel pretty much okay. It wasn't a long run today but I needed to show my cold who's in charge.
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